NFT Staking
Staking Points
Staking Points
1. Why should I stake my NFTs?
Each staked NFT gives the user points. The accumulated points will automatically award holders $SWORLD tokens in the coming months. We are sure you know what $SWORLD tokens are!
2. How many Vanguards and Mounts are there?
The Genesis collection contains 6000 Vanguards + Seed Pods and 3,110 Mounts. To find out how many the community has bought and staked, visit the Dashboard!
3. How does the point system work?
You are awarded points daily for each NFT staked. A snapshot of how many NFTs you have staked is taken once a day. Once an NFT is unstaked, you cannot restake it for 7 days. Putting an NFT up for sale will also unstake it.
4. How many points are awarded for each NFT?
Below is the breakdown of points awarded by type of NFT staked. Each point mentioned below is daily point(s) per NFT. Total Points is the sum aggregate of points on that wallet, combining daily point per NFT and the amount of days the NFTs were staked. Seed Pods points are included in Vanguards.
For unrevealed Seedworld Vanguards (Seed Pods) 1 point per day is earned.
Last updated